Wednesday 16 January 2013

The Undateables brings back memories of How I used to feel with CF

It’s a funny thing suffering with an illness. You feel fine but different but you don’t know what different feels like as you don’t know what it feels like to feel normal. Not breathless and dependant on meds.
We only know how to feel as a CF sufferer but as we know no different to have cf and feel like we do is normal.

What’s the saying? You never miss something you’ve never had.
Well its true. I don’t know what normal feels like but that’s okay as im a better person for cf im sure.

Watching The Undateables last night showed that people no matter what should never hide away and more importantly there are people out there willing to help people get out there and show people who they are and tell them its fine to be you and if you are shown disappointment its okay we wont give up helping you.

Im not just talking in dating terms but it must also help them in general to feel good and think yeah who cares this is me I cant change so you either accept it or move on to someone else.

That’s quite a unique attitude to take but I feel it is an attitude that is only found in people with unique situations.
I mean most people wouldn’t think like that if they haven’t got something unique to overcome in the first place.

People who suffer from Illness, deformities, learning difficulties and problems due to accidents etc all have something in common. When it happens and you start to understand what happens you start to worry
That common feeling is :-
“Will the world accept me for who I am? What happens if im insulted by someone who doesn’t care, or know, or chooses just to bully me? How do I act? Do I just act normal? And Learn from my difficulties to make me cope with things in the best way possible

Do I do the safest thing and stick with those close to me and just stick to what I know?
Do I hide away?
When I was getting into my Teens I decided to Hide away and stick to what and who I knew.
I had my friends in school and where I lived and even though I was okay I felt like I wanted to hide from it all.
The reason being was I had really started to understand what I was suffering from and I of course got loads of questions in school What? Why? How? And the classic in school Was, “Can I catch It?”
It wasn’t that people were trying to be offensive they just wanted to know. Some want to know to be nosey, some want to know because their worried they will get it and others want to know because actually they just genuinely want to know more about it and want to get to know you.
I learned who these people were very quickly. That said there wasn’t many bad people at the school I went to I got on with plenty of people, and never fell out with anyone over being offended by questions. And I never had a fight.
You could say All was okay but I didn’t feel like that. I just wanted to avoid everything, the questions, the answers and the odd remark.
To me going home after school and hiding in my room was the easiest and safest thing to do.
It really started when doing PE I was always active and quite fit andf was able to keep up with most people in various activities, but one thing I Couldn’t do was athletics.
I was having a go at the 400m when trying my hardest not to be last (Although I was quite a way back) I collapsed and for the next couple minutes I didn’t remember much. The first thing I remember is being surrounded by people. And the Teacher checking I was okay.
It made me really start to think about what I couldn’t do and I felt uncomfortable being the one who needed help. That’s what made me start to think of hiding away and that way I would be safe. I don’t really know why it happened to me but I turned shy and wanted to just hide.
When your hiding it’s a strange but some people would say comforting feeling. No questions or answers needed. No explanations or bad remarks no bullying and no feeling of insecurity.
Yet really being hidden away you are insecure. I found myself always thinking that people would now be talking about me because I choose to hide. Funny how the mind works.
Im glad to say It didn’t last long. Towards the end of school I was feeling very closed and had started to plan my future like my new job and college and this made me feel worse. I have to say that im very lucky that my true close friends never desserted me and they actually got fed up of me trying to hide so they helped me to start coming back out of my hiding place and they never gave up having to pull me out of a hole until such time that I felt better being out with friends and new faces than I did hiding away.
When I got my first car I was scared to go out. Not the driving bit I loved driving but meeting new people.
I shouldn’t of been scared. I made some amazing friends and even best friends in dover and they never made me feel like I hated the questions they made me feel like they were interested in who I was. And this helped me to really open up and start to enjoy going out and about meeting people and trying new things and they even helped me to start dating which I had dreaded but it turned out I was better for being open then being closed.
I once remember waiting outside a night club with a few friends. We used to go and sit a bunch of us parked on a hill next to the place called the shadows and wait to pick friends up and have a laugh at the usual drunks.
 An old school friend came out who I hadn’t seen for nearly 2 years. Their reply was “wow what happened to the shy quiet Jamie Fox from school who never liked talking to people? Who certainly seem to have made friends with a lot of people?”. It made me realise how bad id been in school.
I was not shy at all but because id choosen to hide that is how people saw me. I actually had quite a few friends in school but people who I never was friends with in school had got this impression just from the way id acted in school.
In reality Im never shy nor quiet and Im told quite often to shut up haha.
Being open and not afraid of life anymore has made me the best person I can be and ive had some great fun and experiences along the way and Im forever grateful to all my friends who stuck by me when I hid and to those who became new friends by accepting who I was and just letting me be apart of their fun without worrying and becoming close friends made me feel very happy with life and secure even if someone ever questioned me I am now very happy to answer as best I can and as many times as im asked I will reply. Ive realised ti for the better to show people who we are then to show what im not.
So many people in life help so many others without realising it. Like so many did for me.

That’s why I love watching undateables. It shows people who have a unique attitude to life and don’t care about the negativity. And that people are out their willing to help anyone stranded take their hand show them a way and say go on, but don’t worry if you get lost give me a shout im right behind you.

The world would be a better place if more loving, caring people helped those who are lost. And in tern those lost people start to forge their own paths and show people along the way what their made of.
That’s how I feel. I love spreading the awareness of what ive got and who I am but there was a time I hated admitting it. But many close people, friends in my life helped me by helping me notice I wasn’t really different at all I was just like them, people just had to accept who I was.

And that is why more people need to be more open to what they see and hear. Too many people are ignorant and do not see how different things around them could be. If they realised that everyones different then maybe it would help them to notice others a little bit more.

The world is a better place for whose who are giving and unselfish.

So many of us have friends who are open and helpful, honest and loving. But I bet We don’t have many friends who we feel bad people in our lives do we?

Everybody makes mistakes. Ive made plenty but I learnt from all of them.
I will never be selfish.
In a way im bad for that I forget to look after myself when im concerned about others.

All I can say is all those who I treasure in my life now have always made me feel loved and wanted no matter if I see them every day or just once a year and they have always helped me no matter what.
It’s a shame that the world is not a better place.
There will always be war and terror. We cannot choose when and where. But we can choose the better people in life.

And That’s why the undateables isn’t just about people with problems in many different forms, its about showing that no body should be left out, everybody should find love and everybody has a place. And most important of all, this place is full of people willing to help those less fortunate find and enjoy the same things we all deserve

Thank you to all of those that have helped me throughout my life. You may not even know you’ve hel[ped but I don’t forget who you are.

Monday 7 January 2013

I just can't do what I used to but that's no bad thing

Well over the last few weeks of hospital treatment and recovering and recouping I'm feeling better than I have in nearly two years and it feels amazing

But I also know I can't do what I could when I was 21 lol

At 27 years of age I have come to realise if I want to stay healthy I'm going to have to work extra hard and change a few things which may mean giving things up quite a bit

But that's no bad thing and it leads to a longer healthy brighter future

My work list/to do list for future has to be

1. More sleep if I'm to keep my energy levels up and give my body the best chance of fighting illness
2. Keep up the appetite putting weight on has helped my improve in general and in many different areas

3. Keep up the gym 3 times a week at least

4. Keep up the nebulisers

5. Keep up the physio and more often

6. Drink less if any alcohol at all, don't get me wrong i worked out in 2012 I only went out 4 nights drinking in all and I didn't drink over Xmas and new year but drank recently and as a consequence of that it played havoc with my diabetes and gave me 40 hours of hiccups as it also messed up my tablets and that was no good feeling and I was embarrassed to go to a and e and say er can you cure my hiccups, to be told I'm an idiot and it was most likely my fault trying to drink as much as possible (but I had a great night and I will no doubt do it again just not so bad lol) in general alcohol doesn't like me anymore but I won't give up entirely I mean I will still have a night out once in a while but not drink such a large amount lol

7. Relearn my diabetes, giving up the alcohol will of course help but surprisingly as I now eat more I'm finding it easier to control so I'm having to rewrite my own instruction manual

8. Sort out my insomnia, I'm finding myself having to use sleeping tablets more and more and I'm noticing it may not be too good for me so I'm off the tablets and onto counting sheep

9. Prepare and complete tough mudder

10. Try to enjoy myself a bit more in future with so many things going on with my health I feel I have lost the ability a little to have fun and laugh more often. I mean I haven't cried over my problems but I prefer to laugh at them and overcome them instead of worrying and thinking oh dear is this the year I mess it up.

11. Go on holiday, just because I haven't had one in nearly 2-3 years and I want to see more of the odourless it's got so much beauty and I've merely scratched its surface

12. Show people more of my world through my blog, twitter and Facebook and talk to more cfers, I have already started this but I feel I need to put more out there and show more past present and future to the world.

13. And final and I had to have 13 for 2013. I have a huge ambition to do a charity event for the cystic fibrosis trust. I don't want to reveal too much but it involves 3 things in 24 hours. And I will be roping some special friends to help me as they have experience of what I want to do and I got to convince my girlfriend to do it, just because well she needs to be there :-)

So there's my aims my consistent requirements and goals.

I hope you will help spread the word of my blog twitter and Facebook as I wish to learn more from other cfers and disabilities and show what and who I am more but I can't do it without you all showing others who I am

Thank you in advance

Oh and happy new year to you all

I hope you all have amazing goals that you are aiming for just like me

Wednesday 2 January 2013

12 becomes 13, Lacking consistency and my gym mojo

Well 2013 is here

December 2012 went quickly for me mainly because 3 out of the four weeks I was off work and 2 of them weeks I was doing IV treatment in hospital and at home.

Anyway this is all finished and the fitness has progressed nicely. Although I admit I have not been to the gym for the past week (As its been the festive period) I am now getting back on the gym wagon starting tonight.

My chest feels good even if I do still feel a little phlegm on my chest (Which I will clear tonight i hope at the gym and doing exercise at home) and im ready to carry on shifting the nasty stuff by going to the gym and doing all my usual tablets and treatments etc etc.

My body feels nearly back to where it used to be if still a little lighter and unfitter than before but its the best its felt in years.

Now I need to recover the week ive had off in the gym by hitting it hard. At least 3 times a week and i do feel like that week missed at the gym was not a good idea as its made me feel guilty not going but I know I have the motivation to claw anything lost back and progress more.

So tonight the work continues on a improved physical me and a better trained me in time for tough mudder 2013.

I have not given up on doing it even if others have.

At least even if i have to crawl over the line I can say I done something ive never done before and im a fitter better person for it.

I had alot of time to think about things in hospital and my overall conclusion was that im not consistant with the things i must do to keep myself healthy and because of this im not exactly helping myself or my future.

So why am I lacking in consistency? Im just being lazy simple as that although sometimes things have tested me previously

So this year my resolution (Even though I dont really belive in them) is to be more consistant with myself when it comes to eatting, tablets, fitness, treatments and generally making sure I do not forget to do things and stop thinking "Oh I just cannot be bothered.

In life in general I find it boring to be consistant doing the same things day in day out but when it comes to my health I haave come to realise its the one area where being boring and being consistant it vitally important for my life

And plus I hate being nagged or pestered to see if im doing things or if ive done something so by being consistant these questions wont bug me no more because I will already have the answer for them



and my favourite soon to be answer


The key to my success is myself and these last few weeks of treatment and exercise have shown what I can become again and I like the old me that ive rediscovered and would like to see the old me return

After all sometimes bad things are boring.

Im finding it much easier to be a fitter me than i was a poorly me and I like that feeling

You could say its a drug and I want to be addicted to better, good, okay, more and more

Not "oh no not again, yeah I cant im ill"

I hate saying "no, i cant, or im not able to"

I Like to say YES

So 2013 for me is all about the yes I can, consistency is my friend not boredom and yes is the best word in the dictionary or I hope it is for me in the future.

So heres to the gym, fitness, fun, new me (but its just the old me but improved), keeping my goals in my sight and enjoying things a little more.

Ive missed alot in the last 12 months because ive been ill but the end of the year with a little motivation showed me an uphill trend.

Hills are hard to climb but I like a challenge and I will be better for it

Put it this way

Can you the person who is reading this blog do 45 minutes on a cross trainer sports programme?


And how many people (Normal or with illness) Say that?

Soon I hope to be able to say

I can do an hour on the cross trainer, and swim xx lengths in the pool and run 3 miles (Thats my aim) without stopping like I used to be able to

Right now im not at my happiest but happiness doesnt come from doing nothing it comes from hard work.

Like they say work hard, play hard. That may sound corny but its true. No one becomes a better person by doing nothing.

Im not looking for muscle or anything impossible just something I know I can do time and time again and over the last few weeks you could say getting better in hospital and being able to do what I like at the gym I found my MOJO.

Whats your plans for the year?

Good luck to all who have goals and to those who dont make some, its better to try at something than do nothing at all