Friday 12 July 2013

Learning something new everyday with cf

Well where do I start with this subject

Recently and rather unfortunately I've learnt alot about how ruthless cf can be

Over the last couple months and even more recently the last week I have seen how quickly cf can turn very painful and unfortunately deadly without warning

When I recently went to hospital I had been fighting a bad chest for a few months but within a few days it turned the screw on me and from one Friday to the following Monday I went from ok to even struggling with walking up stairs being out of breath and feeling really rough and by the Tuesday I was arranging to go in hospital for IV treatment. It hit me so hard and so quick I couldn't even really take note of how bad I had got in a very short space of time

I had learnt a valuable lesson and it was something I had never experienced before 

Then my friend told me she had got ill in a similar space of time but worse even worse 

In short 

On one Thursday she had a cold which turned into a bad chest and sore throat within the same day and then on Friday she was rushed to hospital and then an ambulance drove her to kings for immediate treatment when it was discovered she had flu and pneumonia. all this happened within less than 48 hours

I never knew or realised things could turn so quickly but I'm learning quickly as it will serve me well in the future

Then even worse I have discovered that cf can take a life just as quickly

A lady I was following on twitter called Emma Kingston and had had a few chats with via the social network seemed like a lady who interested so many people who followed her, why? Not because she had cf but because of the person she was and how she went about living her life and that showed right up until the very last minute that cf was not going to stop her enjoying life 

Her life turned for the worse unfortunately within a short space of time and it seemed from what she was saying that it was never expected so quickly
I am sorry that you didn't get what you needed in time Emma and to the others that ran out of time but still believed and seemed to live to the full right to the end. It was a pleasure to follow u and hear your stories your tweets and stories were hilarious and showed so many valuable lessons in life

RIP and breathe easy.

I have learnt a very valuable lesson from what has happened and I will do my best to keep fighting, will try my best to pay attention to early signs when my health is going wrong despite my mental state not being great at the moment 

One thing I have learnt is that leaving things to the last minute with cf can only make it worse like I used to do when I was younger and I cannot afford to do that anymore if I want to live into my forties 

Last time I went to hospital for ivs a few weeks ago I went in quickly to try and get a good grip on the chest infection and try and clear my chest before the chest infection had a chance to settle in and it seemed to work as my lung function was the best it had been in nearly ten years.

But I'm not taking anything for granted

Im going to start back at the gym this week and try and eat healthier. I want to give this body the best chance it has in life

Like I said on Facebook the other day

Sometimes I feel like the luckiest man in the world, other days I feel like the luckiest man stuck in the most unlucky body and with how I've been feeling that's exactly how I feel

Right now though its not my physical health that needs to change drastically its my mental health and that is one thing that I'm struggling with the most. But that is what my next blog will be about

More to follow shortly